Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How old is the earth again? The inconsistancy of old earth science

Here is a really informative article about the problems, fallacies, and bias of modern scientific dating methods. I have long thought for myself about the issues of radioactive carbon-14 dating (for instance there be a lot of variables in the loss of carbon-14 in a decaying living thing such as weather, soil type, plant vs animal material, etc). With so many variables in decaying matter, how could an accurate and fail-safe method ever be concieved? And what is the basis for the time line conceived by scientist (MA- or millions/billions of years) when all historical evidence ever dated by actual tangible methods have produced only thousands of years? This article is very intelligently written, so I hope it will be informative and get your gears turning the way it did mine.

Christian Answers

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