Friday, February 29, 2008

Field Trip!

Yesterday, our homeschool group had a fun and educational field trip to Jefferson College and Locust Ridge Plantation for Black History month. At Jefferson college, we learned a famous local story (though none of us were familiar with it) of Abdul Rahman Ibrahima (aka Prince AbdulRahman or Prince Ibrahima). He was a prince from West Africa who was sold as a slave to a plantation owner named Thomas Foster in Washington, MS (right outside of Natchez), and ended up being freed by the president and moved back to Liberia with his wife and only a few of his children. Terry Alford has written a book about it entitiled, "Prince among Slaves". Then we went to Locust Ridge on the Trace and saw the house with original furniture, etc. The kids learned how cotton was combed and spun into thread using a spinning wheel. We walked out to the slave cemetary, but there weren't any markers or anything out there, so we were kind of disappointed about that. But the house was really neat. We try to plan one of these a month. In march we are thinking about the Natchez Indian Village. But we may do an Easter egg hunt on the grounds of Jefferson College. They are so nice and "homeschool friendly". They also have some educational thing going on every month. Including mine, there are six kids between the ages of 4 and 8 and then there are one 3 yr. old, three 2 yr. olds, and one infant. I am so blessed and greatful to have these families to share our homeschooling experience with.

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