Monday, August 4, 2008

Homeshool Haters....rant

It's bound to day you're shopping or in some other seemingly normal situation and're bludgeoned by a homeschool hater. My recent experience came from no less than a Walmart cashier. She was friendly at first and as we began to talk, I mentioned that we homeschooled. would have thought that I had stated that I was the head of a Nazi concentration camp. As she began to ignorantly
parade every sterotype she could spew, I was honestly in a state of shock. I told her that my daughter was doing very well and was very happy and well socialized. She told me that she felt sorry for my children and that I couldn't prepare them for the "real world" by homeschooling them, especially in high school. Then she demanded, "are you qualified to teach your children?". She also stated that she was a religious woman too, but get is going to happen and I'd do well to go ahead and expose her to it (really? I was quiet through most of her spiel, only retorting that this was simply her opinion, and I was well within my legal rights to do so in the state of Mississippi. With my children in tow, my only goal was to leave with the things I needed for the next day, and not get in a knock down drag out with a cashier over the rearing and education of my own children.

When I got home I got to thinking of just how rich the resources we do have are (just in case I'm not "qualified" We have among our family and on our side:

1 elementary teacher of nearly 40 years (my great aunt...who's oldest daughter also homeschools)
1 jr. high teacher with a master's degree (Rob's sister Staci)
1 in grad school going for a masters in psychology (in case my kids need any help in that department, who also speaks fluent German and good Dutch)
1 accountant (bachelor's) (for those pesky tax and math questions)
1 doctorate of Theology (for the big questions)
1 RN + her husband a nurse anethesist (for biology/medical issues...homeschoolers of 3 boys)
1 BA in art (in case they want to learn to

This is not in addition to my husband's college education majoring in biomedical engineering and history (although he did not finish), and my 22 years as a musician. Not to mention our awesome and large church family, and my father and stepfather who are awesome carpenters and loads of mechanics (Shop class!! lol) I know at any time I can call and get help from any of them if I ever do need it (although, I'm pretty confident with the Lord's help thus far).

Wow, public that!